Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Google will stop indexing sites that are not accessible on mobile devices starting July 5, 2024

Google has warned that, as of July 5, 2024, it will stop indexing sites that are not accessible on mobile devices.

Search engine employee John Mueller wrote on social network X:

The small number of sites we still crawl with desktop Googlebot will be crawled by mobile Googlebot starting July 5, 2024. After July 5, 2024, we will only crawl and index sites using Googlebot smartphones. If your site's content is completely inaccessible on mobile devices, it will no longer be indexed.

This announcement means that search engines will no longer index resources that are not loaded on mobile devices. If the site has a desktop version and this desktop interface is loaded on smartphones, then Google will continue to index such a site.

Google called this the "final step" in moving toward mobile-first indexing.
